Landirani Birthday!
On the 23rd April 2005 The Landirani Trust was established as a UK registered charity dedicated to helping orphan and vulnerable children in their communities in Malawi.
A huge amount has been achieved since this date 4 years ago:
•3 school blocks and 2 teacher's houses complete at Masiye
•7 schools in UK linked with 7 schools in Malawi
•640 Fruit trees planted
•8,000 trees planted for reforestation
•Orphan vegetable gardens and maize fields have been set up in the schools
•3 volunteer groups have been to Malawi to plant, paint and build
•13 Local Based Committees have been set up to help the executive committee running Landirani Malawi.The community support is a major achievement in the running of Landirani
•Numerous distributions of clothes, school equipment and food
•Initiation of a water project that will ensure that everyone in our area (around 40,000 people) has access to clean, safe drinking water. We have already secured safe water from 16 wells by building them up and covering them
•Student sponsorship for secondary school
•A 40' container full of equipment, furniture and stationary donated by people in the UK was sent to Malawi and is being distributed at the moment
•Countless fundraisers of all different types name but a few...
The work Landirani does has such a huge effect on everyone in our support area so thank you so much to everyone invloved and everyone who supports Landirani and the work we do.