HomeOur Work

Our Work

We work with and through communities to develop long-term and sustainable solutions to the welfare of orphans and vulnerable people in four key areas: self-sufficiency, health, education and water and sanitation. Additionally we are passionate about the environment, paying close attention to ecological building, reforestation and permaculture. If you would like to read our latest Annual Report you can find it here...

Sams Village

Sam's Village

Sam’s Training Village is a self-sustaining training village, built on a 17-acre site. The objective is to support a move away from hand-outs and to train thousands of local people out of poverty.

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11% of children die before reaching their 5th birthday.
50% of under 5's deaths are due to Malaria.
11% of Malawians are living with HIV/AIDS. (WHO)

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We have 12 centres supporting the under-5's and support pupils in Primary, Secondary and Further Education, typically 40 secondary and 20 university students at any given time.

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Water & Sanitation

Today, many of Malawi’s poorest and most marginalised people don’t have clean water to drink, decent toilets or good hygiene. Without these basics, we cannot begin to help them with better education, health and self-sufficiency.

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Our immune systems depend on good nutrition. In Malawi people depend on their maize harvest to the exclusion of many highly-nutritious foods. Deforestation on a massive scale leads to Malawi losing about 300km2 of forest land every year.

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Celebrate & Give

Most fundraising comes from personal donations. You can help us through regular monthly giving; leaving a legacy; pledging gifts from a birthday; or running a fundraising event. Please consider one or more of these as it’s so easy to help.

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