African Vision Malawi launch events...
There have been a few events to launch the new name of African Vision Malawi (previously known as The Landirani Trust) and here are some details about a couple of them…
On Friday 14th June, we had 18 children from 3 local schools and 1 local pre-school who joined us at the Fishponds Park, to write their visions for their friends in Malawi. These included: to have cleaner water, more food, sandals (because it’s hot!), more books in school and sturdier houses. We attached their vision to colourful bio-degradable lanterns, but after trying one, we decided not to let them go because of it being too windy.
On Saturday 15th June, 66 adults attended the launch in Surbiton, who also wrote their ‘visions’ for the communities in Malawi. Since the weather was even worse than Friday, it was decided to attach some of these to helium balloons and send them off. All other visions will be sent off during good weather conditions.
Many thanks to all who attended and who helped out.