Maternity Unit is Open!

The opening was held on 12th November and was attended by Dorothy Ngoma who is the Presidents Advisor on Safe Motherhood. Amazingly the first baby was born in the unit that very day! This 10 bed unit will be the first in our area which has lighting and internal running water via a solar pump. We have drilled the borehole and are waiting for funds to install a tower and solar pump. The existing unit will become a ‘waiting home’ to encourage women to come to the unit earlier than their due date.

The unit will save lives and as Heather Palmer reported, “it is such a joy to see it finally becoming reality”.

Project4Africa raised funds for this much needed new maternity unit. Others involved in supporting this project are Liz Bartley, Sarah Rogers, Richard North, Gaynor Cook, Jo & Mike Calvert, Reed Elsevier and The Trusthouse Charitable Foundation. Our grateful thanks for making this project become reality.

Baby Project4Africa                       Unit front view

Beds made                         The Plaque

Maternity Unit Foundations_sml    Roof gable       Roof beam

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