
We are planning to build and run a biogas disgester at Sam’s Village, as part of our commitment to sustainability in Malawi.

With the influx of students at Sam’s Village for our training programme, we need a more sustainable way to feed them, rather than cooking on firewood. Firewood contributes to the deforestation of our area.

Sam’s Village is in a cattle rearing area. Working with a herd of cows, we will put their manure into a biogas digester. The manure breaks down and releases methane gas, which rises through pipes to the restaurant kitchen.

The remainder of the manure can be used as fertiliser and the milk can be sold at the local weigh station.

We will be involving local people in building the biogas digester and it will be on display for students on our training programmes. In this way we can share knowledge about sustainable energy forms.

You can buy a Biogas Cow to be a part of our herd!