Shop - Support MalawiBooksChristmasEventsCraftDonated GiftsEducationSupport MalawiMediaPostcardsProvide gardening tools£15.00Buy a chicken£5.00Provide a school uniform£5.00Buy a bike£35.00Plant an orphan maize garden£50.00Provide a teacher's kit£25.00Provide a school desk and chair£25.00Build a well and pump£500.00Build up a well£100.00Buy a sleeping mat£5.00Plant 20 trees£30.00Help them earn a living through a microloan to set up a business£50.00Buy a goat£30.00Feed an orphan for a year£20.00Buy a blanket£4.00Provide student equipment£10.00Plant a vegetable garden£15.00Provide medicine for a village£50.00Train a carer£25.00Buy 10 mosquito nets£10.00